Author name: Daniel B.

Daniel is a lifelong recreational athlete who became intrigued and quickly fell in love with pickleball. He started playing in January 2021 and has enjoyed the game since. With his blog, Pickleball Database, he wants to share fun, informative, and exciting content about the highly-addictive sport and encourage others to embark on their pickleball journey.

When to Switch Sides in Pickleball

When to Switch Sides in Pickleball? What You Need to Know

In a pickleball game, players can switch sides after their first game. Once the team acquires six points, players can switch sides in case a third game is necessary. During the consolation events, players are also permitted to switch sides. This occurs when there is only one game that includes 15 points.

How Do You Rotate Players in Pickleball

How Do You Rotate Players in Pickleball?

Pickleball is a popular game across the country, and organizing the game can be very challenging. One of the issues is establishing a method to do this effectively and using the best way to rotate pickleball players.