Author name: Daniel B.

Daniel is a lifelong recreational athlete who became intrigued and quickly fell in love with pickleball. He started playing in January 2021 and has enjoyed the game since. With his blog, Pickleball Database, he wants to share fun, informative, and exciting content about the highly-addictive sport and encourage others to embark on their pickleball journey.

Pickleball Is a Combination of What Three Sports

Pickleball Is a Combination of What Three Sports?

The best way to describe pickleball is that it is a combination of tennis, table tennis, and badminton. This sport is usually played on courts; however, it can also be played in recreational centers, schools, retirement communities, camps, and even correctional facilities.

Why Do Tennis Players Hate Pickleball

Why Do Tennis Players Hate Pickleball?

Due to the increasing popularity of pickleball and the limited number of pickleball courts, players have decided to convert tennis courts into pickleball courts. But in doing so, tennis courts should be marked properly so they can be accurately used for pickleball games. The problem is tennis players hate these markings since they are too confusing.

What Is the No Man's Land in Pickleball

What Is the No Man’s Land in Pickleball?

The space of the pickleball court between the non-volley zone and the baseline is known as “No Man’s Land,” or the Transition Area. It is often located two feet behind the Non-Volley Zone (or Kitchen) and two feet in front of the baseline.

Is a Backhand Serve Legal in Pickleball

Is a Backhand Serve Legal in Pickleball? (Explained)

It may be confusing and complicated to study pickleball serving rules. But if you put your heart into it, it can be a very great advantage on your end. Aside from the fact that you can avoid committing illegal services, you can also add variety to your gameplay.