Playing Pickleball on Grass

Playing Pickleball on Grass: What You Need to Know

Pickleball is an excellent sport enjoyed by most people of any age group. It can be played outdoors and indoors. Whether you are a younger athlete who wants to go outside or a retired folk who wants to stay in shape, pickleball is for everyone. Nowadays, pickleball is played on a hardcourt surface, the same as a tennis court. 

Can you play pickleball on grass? Most of the time, pickleball is played on hard surfaces; however, it can also be played on grass for a casual game. The most important thing is knowing how to properly set it up and what type of ball to use. 

Keep reading to know what it’s like playing pickleball on grass and how to prepare your grass for the game.

What Surface Can You Play Pickleball On?

Pickleball can be played indoors or outdoors.


Indoor pickleball courts are generally designed and constructed by contractors. Usually, they are made of polyurethane surfaces, which can also be used outdoors. This is beneficial since it offers protection to the players, specifically on their knees, feet, ankles, and other body parts. The absorption levels of cushion or coating vary. Contractors usually give you some suggestions about the depth of the surface and whether you prefer a sturdier cushioned surface or simply a single-layer shock absorption.

If you want to build your own indoor court, you will most likely need a licensed contractor. However, some DIYers prefer to construct their own pickleball court. The most important thing is that all the rules and regulations must be followed. Different options for cushioned surfaces are available in the market right now. The following is some important information that you need to know about the cushioned surface.        

Pro-Cushion Surface

The ultimate pickleball court for enjoying your game. Aside from the level surface, it can provide a consistent bounce; players can also feel very comfortable due to its powerful shock absorption. A sturdy surface can give you the most comfortable game while offering you more flexibility. 

A pro-cushion surface uses an acrylic coating system with interior cushioning in the form of granules or flexible acrylic blinders. It looks and feels good. You can assure that it is durable and can last longer. It is consistent, smooth, and has excellent traction and grip, making it suitable for beginners and professionals. Perfect for your body since it only offers a low impact on joints.


If you want to build a pickleball court in your backyard for personal use, then you can choose asphalt, grass, concrete, or concrete with a polyurethane sports surface. These options are great for all types of weather. Furthermore, they have a low impact, so players won’t trip. Your choice will greatly depend on the purpose of building the court, whether for personal recreation, school, or a club. 

If the pickleball courts are used for tournaments, leagues, clubs, or teaching, you should have a decent surface. You should hire a contractor to accomplish this, or you might want to use a ready-made tennis court surface. Typically, the contractor will likely use a special polyurethane sports surface and light or heavy cushioning system also referred to as the pro-cushion surface.


You can lay this acrylic coating over asphalt or concrete. It is textured, smoother, non-abrasive, and can work in any weather. An acrylic surface can be beneficial in a lot of ways. It is environmentally friendly, has an excellent grip, preserves the concrete, reduces the surface glare, is safe to use, and provides a consistent bounce.


This court surface is great for outdoors and indoors; just lay it down over concrete or asphalt. It comes in various surface textures, depending on your preferred grip. For pickleball, it is suitable to have a good grip.

Tennis Courts

Pickleball courts can easily be created on tennis courts found in clubs, schools, or recreation centers. No changes will be made to the surface. Although a tennis court can accommodate four pickleball courts, you should not build more than two to provide enough space for the players.

All you have to do is to add a pickleball net and a few temporary lines. This way, you can still use your tennis courts whenever you need them. Generally, tennis courts are made of hard surfaces, but sometimes they have a grass or clay surface, which is great for pickleball.

Clay Surface

Unfortunately, clay is not the most recommended surface for playing pickleball. But, if you don’t have any other options, use a clay surface. However, playing pickleball on a clay tennis court is fine since the surface is already even and strong. However, if you are playing on the clay surface of your backyard, then be sure that the surface is even and level so you can enjoy a consistent game.

Grass Surface

Can you play pickleball on grass? You can play pickleball on grass if it has a hard surface and the grass is compacted. Constant playing, leveling, and mowing can help keep your grass this way. Most people who have backyard pickleball courts usually build them on grass as long as they have the available space.

The most common problem with grass is its consistency, except if you have spent time maintaining this hard surface so that you can enjoy a consistent game. This is probably the reason why pickleball games that are played on grass are only for recreational activity.

How Do You Make a Pickleball Court in your Backyard?

If you want to build a pickleball court in your backyard, then be sure to choose a stable area where there are no hidden holes or dips. In this way, you can prevent yourself from spraining your ankle or falling into a hole. 

It is recommended that you cut the grass short of having the best bouncing pickleball court. At the same time, it can help you in moving across quickly. You can draw some lines on the grass if you want your pickleball court to have accurate dimensions. To help you make visible and accurate lines on your pickleball court, you can use spray paint that won’t damage your grass field. This way, you don’t need to retrace the lines whenever you want to play pickleball during the weekend.

Does Pickleball Bounce on Grass?

Unfortunately, when you play pickleball on grass, the ball won’t bounce as much. If you have tried bouncing a tennis ball on the grass, then you will realize that it is not an easy thing to do. Pickleballs for outdoors have 40 holes and are made of plastic, meaning they are very light and only weigh about 0.8 ounces. 

Although this ball can easily bounce on cement or asphalt, bouncing the ball on grass is quite impossible. Except maybe if the grass is very short and has packed dirt, then bouncing the ball could be possible. But despite this, the bounce that is required for playing pickleball cannot be obtained consistently.

Another difficulty would be the uneven surface of the grass. Compared to cement and asphalt courts with level surfaces, yards could have a slope or dip, making the pickleball court uneven.

The most important factor when playing pickleball on grass is the type of ball to use. Due to the several challenges, most players prefer to use a rubber ball since it has a greater chance of bouncing on the grass.

What is the Best Pickleball Paddle Surface?

If you intend to play pickleball to have fun, then you can play the game on any surface, even on the grass. But if you want to participate in tournaments or play pickleball as a sport, then the following surfaces can help you perform better.

Court Tiles

Tennis court tiles are great for pickleball games and can be installed on any flat surface, like asphalt or concrete. These tiles can be installed easily and securely on an indoor or outdoor court. 


Compared to concrete, asphalt is more affordable. Although it can’t last as long as concrete, it is still an excellent option for playing pickleball. Asphalt provides a coating on top for support and comfort when playing pickleball.


Concrete does not show any wear and tear and is extremely durable. This type of surface is long-lasting and very supportive as well. A polyurethane coating is applied on top of concrete courts for additional support and comfort.


For a casual game, you can play pickleball on the grass. However, if you are looking for a serious game, you should play it on a hard surface designed for pickleball. 
You can play pickleball on the grass together if you have a large backyard and your family and friends come over the weekend. Even if you play pickleball on the grass, it can still be fun and an interesting way of getting some exercise.

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